Statewide Blog

CRP at 25; what’s the future?
The federal Conservation Reserve Program has pulled thousands of acres of Minnesota farmland out of production; many of those acres could return to active farmland in the next five years.
A recent study by the U.S. Agriculture Department shows that farmer acceptance and use of no-till is growing. Take a look at soybeans. Nationwide the report says in 2006 about 45 percent of U.S. soybeans fields were 'no-till'. In Minnesota though the number was just 11 percent.
Think warm thoughts of wilderness camping
Time to plan that 2011 canoe trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. The annual entry permit lottery is already underway through Jan.15. According to the Superior National Forest, the lottery was established to fairly distribute available entry permit quotas for those dates and entry points where demand exceeds availability. You put in your…
Officials ask Minnesotans to watch for invasive plant
(MPR Photo/ Elizabeth Baier) A new invasive plant has made its way into the state this year. It’s called the Oriental bittersweet, and it looks much like its cousin, the American bittersweet. Infestations have been found in the Twin Cities metro area, as well as in southeastern Minnesota, near Winona. Agriculture officials are urging Minnesotans…
It looks like most towns will see property levy increases of under five percent, some will see no increase, and a few will have a reduction. But a few towns will have to deal with sharp increases.
Dispatch from northwestern Minnesota
Dan Gunderson, who covers northwest Minnesota for Minnesota Public Radio News, discusses important stories on his beat during Morning Edition with Cathy Wurzer.