Statewide Blog

National courts group recommends closing courthouses
I reported earlier about concern in northeastern Minnesota that the Minnesota State Courts system might move to close some of the state’s rural courtrooms, due to a tight state budget and the relative lack of business in some remote county courts. State court officials told me it was something they considered — but only briefly…
Snowplows get ready
Minnesota's snowplow drivers are getting ready for what Gordon Regenscheid says looks like a "substantial storm" Friday into Saturday.
Dispatch from southeast Minnesota
Elizabeth Baier, who covers Southeast Minnesota for Minnesota Public Radio News, reviews stories on her beat during Morning Edition with Cathy Wurzer.
DNR seeks input on Parks and Trails Legacy Plan
You'll soon have a chance to weigh in on the DNR's draft plan to guide state and regional parks and trails Legacy Amendment funding for the next quarter century. The plan will be available for review and public comment starting early next month.
Farmland rents rise
For 2009, rental prices increased almost 9 percent. For a typical southern Minnesota farmer renting all the land he farms, that meant another $150,000 in costs.