Statewide Blog

Respected soil scientist retires
A man who knows as much about Minnesota farm soils as anyone is retiring at the end of the year. For almost 40 years, Gyles Randall has worked at the University of Minnesota’s Southern Research and Outreach Center in Waseca. The professor’s official title is soil scientist, but he’s been much more than just an…
Dispatch from southwest Minnesota
Mark Steil, who covers Southwest Minnesota for Minnesota Public Radio News, talks about important stories on his beat during Morning Edition with Cathy Wurzer
Report: A dead cougar turned up over the weekend in Pope County. Biologists say the cougars are likely young males looking for lady cats, and wandering in from the western Dakotas. There's still no evidence mountain lions are staying, or reproducing in Minnesota.
Dispatch from Northeast Minnesota
Bob Kelleher, who covers northeast Minnesota for Minnesota Public Radio News, reviews important stories on his beat during Morning edition with Cathy Wurzer.
Sugarbeet growers in limbo
Sugar beet growers in Minnesota and North Dakota remain in limbo as the USDA wrestles with the issue of genetically modified seeds.