Statewide Blog

Raising awareness of elder abuse
Heightened awareness of elder abuse leads police, prosecutors and even bank employees in Clay County to pay attention to potential cases of elder abuse.
White Earth Nation tries to sell members on a new constitution
    The White Earth Nation takes its constitutional reform initiative on the road this week. The first in a series of informational meetings for tribal members will be held June 19 on the Iron Range in the community of Marble. A tribal spokesman says a large group of tribal members live on the Iron…
In the economic game, Minnesota is pulling away from Wisconsin
There used to be a healthy economic competition between Minnesota and Wisconsin. The states were neck-and-neck for years in employment growth and other key indicators. It became even more fun with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s “Wisconsin Open for Business” rhetoric. For awhile, it really sounded like Wisconsin was eating our lunch. Back in February, a Wisconsin Read more →
Not easy being green
A robust frog and toad population is a good indicator of the health of our environment but their survival is constantly threatened by weather, habitat loss and disease.
Red Wing residents to elect new mayor
Red Wing will soon have a new leader, months after the city’s mayor resigned because of his ties to the frac sand industry. Six names will be on today’s ballot, including Dan Bender; Elizabeth K. Kocina; Christopher L. Nelson; John M. Sachen; Ernest W. Stone; and Samantha Tix. The Post-Bulletin reports Tix is the first…
Midwestern invitational art exhibit marks 54 years in Moorhead
  The Rourke Art Museum’s Midwestern Invitational Exhibit is one of the longest running invitational art shows in the country.  This is the 54th consecutive year artists with a Midwest connection have been invited to create works around a theme. This year 89 artists from across the Midwest and beyond submitted works around the theme…
Work crews in Worthington in southwest Minnesota are still clearing away debris from an early April ice storm. That includes about 750 trees from parks and other city property.