Statewide Blog

Lake Superior “smokes” in the frigid air
Thick wisps of steam have been rising from the surface of Lake Superior over the last several days of sub-zero temperatures. An explanation of what causes it, and why there's not more ice, when the temperatures are so cold.
Tribal protest echoes through Paul Bunyan Mall, supports hunger strike in Canada
More than one hundred tribal members gathered inside the Paul Bunyan Mall in Bemidji Wednesday to stage a "flash mob" drum and dance circle. The event was organized as a show of support for a Canadian tribal chief who is on a hunger strike in Ottawa, Ontario.
Number of wolves killed in MN and WI show different approaches to hunt
Several weeks in to the inaugural managed hunt seasons in Minnesota and Wisconsin, hunters have killed about 300 wolves; about 200 in Minnesota. But with a much smaller wolf population in Wisconsin, hunters there have killed a higher percentage of the state's wolves.