Statewide Blog

New DWI tester is called flawed; First African-American crowned Miss North Dakota; Obama tests "likability"; Heroin making an aggressive comeback in Central Minnesota; Kmart ends its run in New Ulm; Searchers are looking for a missing pilot and plane near Duluth; Poll: Klobuchar cruising, Franken too; Bachmann Graves becomes enter two person race in 6th Congressional District;
In Lake Superior, an invasive species success story
The non-native sea lamprey remains the only one of about 180 aquatic invasive species in the Great Lakes to be successfully controlled. Now scientists are exploring other means of controlling the destructive creature, research that could also help with other exotic species.
Our neighbor's noisy and expensive recall; Bi-partisan opposition to medical devices tax; Candidates file for office in the final week, Faith communities split on marriage amendment; and Kurt Bills likes tacos.
American Crystal impasse; Dream home nightmare scenario; Vampire theocracy
American Crystal workers locked out after 10 months; Op-Ed: Education reform that wasn't; Jeff Anderson hopes roots count in race; Bachmann misrepresents jobs report; Poll: Romney trails Obama in Minnesota, Pawlenty pick wouldn't help; Winning dream home could be financial nightmare; Bachmann inspires 'vampire theocracy' for True Blood creator;
Two Bemidji men arrested on suspicion of cross burning incident last month; Influence Industry: In Wisconsin recall effort, the side with most money won big; Homesteaders are giving way to renters in Twin Cities; Drought conditions continue in Northwest Minn.; 22 people arrested in Northland heroin sweep
Walker survives Wisconsin recall; 30 Somali employees walk out of Le Center food plant after dress code disagreement; Hate crime allegations don't materialize, 7 charged with assault in Kelsey Township gravel pit party; 1 in 5 area children lack enough food, study finds; St. Charles parents upset over breathalyzer tests of seniors
Venus transit; Walker talk; Bachmann drag
MSUM right spot to see Venus transit; Pew: Americans are more polarized; The big recall question: How will Tuesday's electorate compare to 2010?; What Wisconsin's recall election tells us about Obama Romney: Nothing; Oberstar endorses Nolan in 8th District; Winona council upholds frac sand permit; Forest tent caterpillars rev up for 'the big one' in northern Minnesota