Statewide Blog

Minnesota teacher contracts being settled more slowly, union says; Op-Ed: Minnesota graduate assistants deserve a voice at work; Rochester school board lifts ban on cellphone use; Who is MintPress and why are they doing all this hiring?
Power line work to include helicopter and implosives
People traveling on U.S. Highway 2 between Cass Lake and Grand Rapids may notice some unusual construction activity this week. Utility companies constructing the CapX2020 high power transmission line are using a helicopter and implosive devices on the project.
Reps. Bachmann and Ellison join on SOPA/PIPA, continued bonding bill reaction, Foley’s cops
The Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA) and Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) are in the spotlight today as opponents to the measures blackout their websites to protest the proposed legislation that would give the U.S. Government more power to regulate the Internet. The lobbying effort pits Hollywood against Silicon Valley. It is also making for unlikely alliances among some Minnesota lawmakers.
Lakeville woman, sister had harrowing escape from ship; Dayton's wish list; Alcohol suspected in death of 18-year-old left in cold car in Rochester; Trial underway for former Fargo Police Chief accused of racial discrimination; Nine reasons the Michele Bachmann campaign fizzled
Lakeville woman, sister had harrowing escape from ship; Fond du Lac Band wants to expand downtown reservation; Dayton to take lead on effort to reduce farm runoff in Mississippi River; Voter photo ID legislation introduced as constitutional amendment
Invasive species change Minnesota lakes
Aquatic invasive species are drawing a of of attention in Minnesota. Just one invasive, the zebra mussel, is expected to cause billions of dollars in economic effects over the next decade.
More Minn. waters deemed “impaired,” state’s largest air polluters identified, crop yields down
More Minnesota lakes, rivers added to impaired list; Northland sites among top Minnesota emitters of greenhouse gases; USDA: Minnesota fall crop yields down; Ikea's rooftop solar array will be the largest in Minnesota
Food banks seek new food sources as deliveries rise
In search of new food sources, many food banks have increased their rescue programs, picking up food that would otherwise be thrown in the trash at retailers like Cub Foods and Target. A Duluth food bank also collects from schools, caterers and hospitals.
Play debates future of valuable farmland
A play making the rural circuit seeks to answer a fundamental question for farmers with valuable land: Do they sell to the highest bidder or to someone who farms like they do?