Statewide Blog

Falling foreclosures, North Dakota man camps, Howler wows hipsters
Solar energy finds a home on Iron Range; Number of foreclosures falls in Minn.; Dunn County man camps to ease housing crunch; Students question where the state's education grant money is going; Review: Howler -- America Give Up
Food stamps get a new name in Minnesota
Minnesota will no longer call refer to food stamps as Food Support. Instead, the Department of Human Services will use the federal designation: the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Many call it SNAP.
AT&T asks appeals court to allow tower near BWCA; Pederson calls for simpler vendor bidding rules; Tevlin: Aw, c'mon, Gary. You're really retiring from MPR?; Ness lays out plan to increase Duluth's population to 90,000; Old Man Winter comes out of hibernation
Outlook not good for Beargrease sled dog race; Grand Forks homeless shelter overflowing with demand; Mankato parks workers aren't giving up on skating rinks; Thornton back in at LCCMR; Racino odds go up as Minnesota Senate changes leaders