Statewide Blog

Small-town movie theater goes digital
Michelle and Paul Haugerud, owners of the JEM Theater in Harmony, Minn., say they've been able to raise $7,200 in donations and secure a short-term loan to buy a used digital projector for $55,000. That could keep the theater open, for now.
Remembering veterans, election results shifts focus to legislature, carp fatigue?
On the eve of Veterans Day, Gov. Mark Dayton is proposing two initiatives designed to help and honor Minnesota's military veterans. One would help more veterans find work. The other would restore funding for honor guards at military funerals.
Environmental groups are joining battle with the state of North Dakota and its coal industry over air quality in northern Minnesota and especially in three national treasures: the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Voyageurs National Park, and Isle Royale National Park.
Voters approve 70% of all school referenda; many raise own taxes. Minnesota Poll: Dayton hangs on to support even after tough year. Andersen cutting 250 jobs mostly in Bayport. National Weather Service says so long to wind chill terminology.