Statewide Blog

The King and Queen of Norway arrive in Duluth Monday afternoon on the last full day of their trip to the region. The royal visit has garnered a huge amount of attention in Duluth, which displays its Norwegian heritage perhaps even a bit more prominently than most of Minnesota.
Food bank looks to Minnesota growers, food producers
The Minnesota Pork Board today donated 1,860 pounds of ground pork to Second Harvest Heartland, a Maplewood-based food bank. The donation represents a growing relationship between farmers and organizations that distribute food to people who need help.
Rochester landlords have until Oct. 31 to comply with a new city law that requires them to attend a public safety and crime training seminar. The next seminar will be held on Saturday.
A new public radio show debuts this weekend that gives "A Prairie Home Companion" an Iron Range twist. Think lumberjacks and miners, not Lutheran bachelor farmers.
The Metropolitan Council has formally asked its lawyers to explore legal options against 3M related to millions of dollars in costs of meeting new state requirements for discharging perfluorinated chemicals from wastewater treatment plants into the environment.