Statewide Blog

Dayton outlines flood disaster plans
Governor Mark Dayton toured Minnesota cities to reassure city leaders and citizens that the state is prepared to respond to potentially widespread flooding.
Flooding concerns rise
The Montevideo American-News sums up the concern for many Minnesotans this morning with this report, "The flood forecast ... keeps getting gloomier and gloomier with each passing week." Hasting's Echo Press warns "Flood of 2011 could be Hastings' second-worst on record." Gov. Mark Dayton will join the effort to raise flood awareness around the state next week as he meets with local government leaders and emergency officials around the state. Fargo Mayor Dennis Walaker is trying to calm concerns over a worst-case scenario and said he's be "shocked" if Red River crests above 41 feet.
State waters contain chemicals and pharmaceuticals
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency scientists have found more evidence of chemicals and pharmaceuticals in state waters. It appears these chemicals are found in most rivers and lakes in the state, even in remote locations.
Unions dismayed by Wisconsin vote
Protesters flooded the Wisconsin Capitol after Republican lawmakers voted to limit collective bargaining rights for unions. Union members from Hudson to Milwaukee decry the vote as a sad day for Wisconsin.
Minnesota House and Senate committees have approved bills that would allow state utilities to purchase power created by coal. The current law, which was passed four years ago, was intended to grow renewable energy production and improve the state's environment. The bills would allow the construction of new coal power plants. A more immediate change would be the purchase of coal power from North Dakota, something the neighboring state is threatening to sue Minnesota over.