Statewide Blog

Can mining dig schools out of budget woes?
The state of Minnesota owns more than 6,000 acres of land targeted for copper mining, and stands to collect $2.5 billion in royalties in the coming decades if two mining projects go ahead, according to a new analysis.
Daily rundown: State could cut moose research funds
The shrinking population of moose in Minnesota is a growing concern among hunters, scientists, conservationists and outdoor enthusiasts. A proposed research project to study why Minnesota's moose population is on the decline is on the chopping block.
Red Lake Ojibwe receive YouthBuild grant
The U.S. Department of Labor has awarded the Red Lake Band of Ojibwe more than $1 million for the band's YouthBuild program.
Should regulators judge PolyMet on Glencore’s record?
An environmental group has asked Minnesota regulators to take a the privately held international organization behind PolyMet Mining Corporation before approving any permits for its planned sulfide mining operation.
Dispatch from Northeast Minnesota
Bob Kelleher, who covers northeast Minnesota for Minnesota Public Radio News, discusses important stories on his beat during Morning edition with Cathy Wurzer
Only about one in four eligible Minnesota seniors receives Food Support, according to the state Department of Human Services. Outreach efforts all over the state aim to convince more seniors to enroll.