Native News

The Native News Project is a new initiative from MPR News.

 Canada honors three Indigenous women with postage stamps
For the third consecutive year, Canada Post, as the postal system is known, celebrated the June 21 holiday by issuing three stamps honoring Indigenous leaders: Josephine Mandamin, Anishinabe; Christi Belcourt, Métis; and Elisapie, Inuk.
Tribes honor the birth of rare white buffalo and reveal its name: Wakan Gli
The moment marked the highlight of a Native American ceremony to commemorate the calf's birth that featured the retelling of how a mysterious woman brought a message of reassurance during hard times.
‘An important part of the fabric’: Exploring Two Spirit identity with artist Charli Fool Bear
One LGBTQ+ identity that often gets misrepresented — or left out entirely — is Two Spirit, which is unique to Indigenous people. A Two Spirit Dakota poet shares what it means to her.
New rule gives tribal governments more input on state water quality standards
A new federal rule gives tribal governments more input as states develop water quality standards to protect lakes and streams. Minnesota officials are still working out how the rule might affect its regulatory process.
U.S. Forest Service moves forward with Leech Lake land transfer agreement
Former President Donald Trump signed the Leech Lake Restoration Act in December of 2020. The act compensates Leech Lake for approximately two-thirds of land erroneously transferred in the 1940s and 50s.