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Photos: Remembering George Floyd and the toll of COVID-19 on Día de los Muertos
The Mexican celebration that honors the lives of loved ones who have passed on from this lifetime held special meaning this year in Minnesota, with COVID-19 disproportionately affecting the Latino community and the killing of George Floyd still fresh in many people’s minds.
Camp Quarantine: 6 tips for forming your COVID-19 winter pod
Experts say one strategy to get through these winter months is to form what’s known as a pod. But finding friends willing to join up with you, and who share your standards, is easier said than done.
Nov. 3 update on COVID-19 in MN: Daily cases skyrocket to another record; 15 deaths
The newest numbers come a day after health officials warned Minnesota could end up as bad as Wisconsin unless more Minnesotans start taking more personal responsibility to stop the disease’s uncontrolled spread.
What democracy looks like: Election Day across Minnesota
On Tuesday, thousands of voters took to polling places across Minnesota. All day long, MPR News reporters have talked to people around the state — people who are voting, people who have already voted, people who are working the polls and people who are opting out this year, whether by choice or by circumstance.
Biden wins Minnesota; GOP retains state Senate control
Democrat Joe Biden snagged Minnesota’s 10 electoral votes Tuesday in a win he badly needed as the national race for president tightened. Republicans retained power over the Minnesota Senate, with DFL control staying in the House, continuing the country’s only divided legislature.
After election, parties brace for court challenges
The 2020 election has seen an unprecedented amount of legal wrangling before the final voting. And election officials, campaigns, political parties and others are bracing for court fights after Election Day, especially if Minnesota contests are close. 
Guía para el votante: Posición de los candidatos del 8.o Distrito sobre los temas relevantes
A continuación se presentan las posiciones que tomaron el titular del cargo, el representante republicano Pete Stauber y la retadora demócrata Quinn Nystrom durante el debate organizado por MPR News.
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Ntawm no yog los saib ntawm kev tuav hauj lwm ntawm Phav Kas Moos Republican. Pete Stauber thiab DFL tus neeg sib tw Quinn Nystrom tau siv sij hawm thaum lub sij hawm sib cav tswv yim los ntawm MPR News.