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St. Paul classes canceled as city’s public school teachers strike
Thousands of union teachers and other school staff headed for picket lines Tuesday morning after overnight contract talks failed. The district superintendent says no new talks are scheduled and school remains canceled indefinitely.
Coronavirus forces houses of worship to change some practices
The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis also suspended communion from the chalice and discouraged hand holding during the Our Father prayer, Archbishop Bernard Hebda said in a recent statement.
Meals on Wheels will be even more vital if the coronavirus spreads across Minnesota, but the food delivery nonprofit worries its work could inadvertently spread the virus to the state’s most vulnerable population.
MN conservation officers choose education as way to enforce state’s natural resources laws
A review of the three most recent available years of DNR enforcement records show conservation officers opt to educate rather than cite offenders about two-thirds of the time, issuing warnings instead of the citations that come along with fines and paperwork — and that’s fine with agency leaders.
Infected cruise ship unloads passengers in California
The Grand Princess pulled into the Port of Oakland on Monday. Health and Human Services said officials hope to unload about half the 2,400 passengers Monday. Minnesota officials said 42 state residents are among the 3,500 people aboard the cruise ship.
Numbers stable, but Minnesota's moose aren't out of the woods
Based on their January 2020 moose survey, DNR researchers estimate the population at 3,150 in northeastern Minnesota, statistically unchanged from last year. The herd, however, remains hampered by low reproductive success and continued deaths from diseases.
Mpls. could control Upper Harbor land as it pursues development
The city still hopes to transform the old Mississippi River barge terminal into a mix of parks, housing and business, with a music venue. But in a victory for neighborhood advocates, it is reversing course on plans to sell land to developers.