Election 2020

Election 2020

Everything you need to know about the local, state and federal elections in 2020.

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Find the results in Minnesota here.

Whistleblower: Officials told to 'lock down' all records of Ukraine call
In a complaint released by the House intelligence committee, the person cites White House officials who say they were ordered to veer from protocol to protect "politically sensitive" information.
New political parties try to organize around support for legal marijuana
Minnesota’s two new major political parties are trying to get organized around their pro-cannabis message in the 2020 campaign. They’re also looking for candidates to deliver it.
Klobuchar charts moderate course in Iowa as new poll results are released
As the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates examined new poll numbers and stated their case to Iowa voters over the weekend, Sen. Amy Klobuchar continued campaigning on a moderate path — even though she balks at that label.
Trump suggests he spoke about Biden with Ukraine's president
President Trump suggested Sunday that he spoke about former Vice President Joe Biden and Biden's son in a summer phone call with Ukraine's new leader, as Democrats pressed for investigations into whether Trump improperly used his office.
Steak, beer and politics: 2020 Democrats descend on Iowa
With marching bands, drum lines, hundreds of yard signs and at least one fire truck, Democratic presidential candidates made a colorful and often loud pitch to Iowa Democrats at the Steak Fry fundraiser in Des Moines on Saturday.
Coming for your AR-15? O'Rourke scrambles Democrats' gun message
The Democrats have long contended their support of gun control laws does not mean they want to take away law-abiding citizens' firearms. But on Friday, they struggled to square that message with their presidential contender's full-throated call on national TV for confiscating assault rifles.
AP Fact Check: Dems draw link between Trump, El Paso murders
Ten Democrats seeking the presidency tripped over some details Thursday night as they sparred in a debate thick with policy and personal stories. Several made provocative accusations that President Trump inspired the deadly shooting in El Paso, Texas, last month.