Election 2024

Election 2024

Everything you need to know about the local, state and federal elections in 2024.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is considering Aaron Rodgers or Jesse Ventura for a 2024 running mate
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is having conversations with vice presidential candidates as he gets closer to announcing his running mate for his independent presidential bid. Kennedy told The New York Times that NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers and former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura are at the top of his list. 
Young voters helped elect Biden in 2020. His campaign is courting them again in 2024
Students for Biden Harris is focused on building a large volunteer base of young supporters through student-led groups. Recruiting young voters could be key to President Biden's reelection hopes.
Biden touts economic 'comeback' in election-year pitch to skeptical voters
President Biden used his State of the Union speech to highlight economic gains and draw a contrast with his GOP opponents. Polls shows many voters give Biden low marks for his economic stewardship.
Vulnerable Democrats want Biden's State of the Union to focus on border and economy
Democrats running in swing seats say the president's performance in his State of the Union speech is important. They want him to remind people about the economic progress and discuss the border.
Rep. Dean Phillips drops bid for Democratic presidential nomination
After being dealt a blow in Super Tuesday voting in his home state, Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips announced Wednesday he would end his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.