2024 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2024 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you're looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

Sen. Mitchell returns to Capitol as her arrest looms over session’s final weeks
Democrats suspended Sen. Nicole Mitchell from caucus and committee work following her burglary arrest last week but let her keep her floor vote, which maintains the DFL’s one-vote majority. That’s angered Senate Republicans.
Sen. Nicole Mitchell barred from committee, caucus meetings after arrest
Sen. Nicole Mitchell bypassed the Capitol last week after her arrest. It’s not clear what policies could pass with a Senate divided 33-33. Three weeks remain in the 2024 session.
Politics Friday: Changes are ahead on the Minnesota Supreme Court as one justice steps into retirement
MPR News host Brian Bakst talks with Minnesota Supreme Court Justice G. Barry Anderson about his upcoming retirement from the court.
DFL says Equal Rights Amendment remains a priority, has a murky path forward as opposition organizes
The path for a constitutional amendment is unclear because the wording remains a point of contention and the vote balance to get it to ballots could be in question amid a senator’s legal problems.
Minnesota Sen. Mitchell insists she won’t resign as demands for answers about arrest grow
Republicans exerted more pressure on Democratic senators to investigate Sen. Nicole Mitchell amid burglary charges, while Gov. Tim Walz said he also wants answers about the matter soon. “I do not intend to resign,” Mitchell said.
Minnesota lawmakers return from break to uncertainty after DFL lawmaker’s arrest
Sen. Nicole Mitchell’s legal troubles consumed the Capitol on the first day back from a short recess. The situation has put the power dynamic and policy prospects in question for the last four weeks of the legislative session.
Bill seeks to increase electronics recycling in Minnesota, and make it free
A proposed bill would update Minnesota’s 17-year-old electronics waste law to include all e-waste, and make recycling electronics free for all Minnesotans. Supporters say it would help keep electronics out of the waste stream, where they pose an environmental and fire risk and waste valuable materials.
Minnesota House approves bill that attempts to speed up legal cannabis marketplace roll out
The proposal would allow pre-approval for dispensaries as soon as this summer while the final rules to regulate the Minnesota marketplace get set. Backers say it’ll get some legwork out of the way now so sales can start quicker, although not all businesses hoping to get into the action like it.