
Subway proselytizer preaches climate emergency, trains others to spread their message
A retiree gives unsolicited climate emergency talks on the New York City subway, frequently receiving applause. Now he wants to teach others how to preach their own messages to a crowd.
Minneapolis may force drivers to slow down on city streets for safety
City staff identified speeding — along with running red lights, unsafe turns, driving under the influence and while distracted — as the most common threats to drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.
ER doc: Stay off electric scooters
Over his 33-year career as an emergency doctor, Dr. Stephen W. Smith has seen a lot. But he’s amazed by the number of e-scooter-related injuries he’s seen this summer at Hennepin Healthcare.
Bye-bye highway: As of Monday, one Minnesota state highway will cease to exist
As of Monday, a state highway in western Minnesota will be no more. It's part of an ongoing process in which MnDOT meets with county officials to assess how highways are used, and whether a so-called "turnback” to local control is warranted.