
Molnau could be on shaky ground in Senate
The chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee doesn't plan to hold confirmation hearings anytime soon on Department of Transportation Commissioner Carol Molnau, suggesting she could face rejection if he did.
No tax increase, no long term solution for transportation funding
Minnesota vehicle owners come out pretty well in Gov. Tim Pawlenty's proposed budget. As expected, he does not propose raising the gasoline tax or license tab fees. But some people worried about repairing roads and bridges, and building transit, have some issues with the governor's proposals.
Will a mileage tax replace the gas tax?
Money collected from the 20-cents-a-gallon state motor fuels tax has flattened out after decades of steady increases. Some politicians say the state needs to explore an alternative.
A Flash presentation providing profiles of the major legislative and lobbying players in the transportation debate during the 2007 session of the Minnesota Legislature.
Roads, bridges, trains and buses
What will the Legislature do about transportation and transit this session?
Gas prices on the way up for summer
Gas prices are headed up. Analysts say we'll be paying upwards of $3 a gallon at the pump before Memorial Day. Will people start looking to electric cars, reaching for the ethanol and springing for the latest hybrids to save money?