
Poll: Molnau gets low marks as MnDOT chief
A new Minnesota Public Radio News/Humphrey Institute poll shows that those Minnesotans who know of Carol Molnau disapprove of the job she's doing as transportation commissioner by a nearly 2-1 margin.
Bridge design is in, funding still in question
The plans have been unveiled, the contract is signed, and in spite of legal threats from contractors who lost the bidding process, surveying begins Tuesday for the new 35W bridge. Where does funding stand for the bridge project and other transportation priorities in Minnesota?
DFL Senate Transportation Committee Chair Steve Murphy is one of the eight members of the Legislative Advisory Committee and he wants some transparency from MnDOT and Gov. Pawlenty.
Improvements to Twin Cities roadways are underway
The Minnesota Department of Transportation is making changes to Highway 280, the main detour for Interstate 35W, which is closed near the site of the 35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis.
The Legislature wants a gas tax hike, the governor doesn't. Now what?
Both the House and the Senate have approved super-sized bills to pay for roads and transit. But both versions of the bill depend on a gas tax increase that Gov. Tim Pawlenty has vowed to veto. What kind of transportation legislation will eventually come out of this process?
Metro sales tax increase proposal aimed at transportation
Two DFL legislators and a group representing dozens of Twin Cities mayors are backing a sales tax increase to pay for transportation projects in the seven-county metropolitan area. Gov. Pawlenty says he doesn't like the plan.