MPR News with Angela Davis

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MPR News with Angela Davis
MPR News

Conversations about life in Minnesota and how the state is changing, weekdays at 9 a.m. Call us at 651-227-6000.

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Power Pairs: Listen to a new series featuring prominent Minnesotans in a close relationship. Maybe they're siblings, a married couple or best friends. You may know of them separately but they reveal a whole new side of themselves when Angela Davis sits them down together. Listen to the interviews here.

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The heroes of winter
This season has been a headache for us all. For part of this hour we listened to stories about your winter heroes.
Two months in, what has the state Legislature accomplished?
Minnesota lawmakers must agree on a balanced two-year budget by May 20 or risk a special session. They kicked off the year with optimism, talking of a fresh start and plans to get things done early. Nearly two months in, how's it going?
Attorney General Ellison lays out his priorities
Ellison has pledged to take on overpriced prescription drugs, predatory lending and other issues that affect Minnesotans' wallets. He also joined a lawsuit with 15 other states to challenge President Trump's declaration of a national emergency.
Lots of drivers flip people off, lean on the horn, tailgate and stew in their car long after an encounter. But what happens when that anger crosses into danger territory? We explore where that aggression comes from and how to stay safe among road ragers.