Kerri Miller Brief

Trump: U.S. generals "reduced to rubble." Is that true?
Author, Rosa Brooks and military expert, David Barno spoke to MPR News host Kerri Miller about the condition of the U.S. military in light of comments from presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Author and financial consultant Ruth Hayden answered caller questions about everything from financial advisers to managing your own funds.
Mahmoud Noor, executive director of the Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota joined the program to talk about what the MN Somali community is doing to help people assimilate and to combat homegrown radicalism.
After a weekend filled with alarming attacks in St. Cloud, New York City and New Jersey, terror and security experts, John Radsan, Bruce Hoffman, and Bill Danvers talked about the threat from terrorists who may merely be inspired by organized terror groups.
Political Junkie, Ken Rudin on Trump's response to the bombing in New Jersey, and the role of moderators in debates. Should they question the candidate's statements? Or is that the job of the opponent?
Friday Roundtable: The role of music today
Today on the Friday Roundtable we invited three smart people into the studio to talk about music. How do you get people to pay for it? How does the way we listen color our experiences? And what is the role of music today?