Kerri Miller Brief

The narcissism epidemic
Are we surrounded by narcissists, or is that just our perception? Kerri Miller spoke with a journalist and a professor with conflicting views on whether or not this is a narcissist's world, and we're just living in it.
Political Junkie: Clinton's health, transparency and comments about Trump's supporters
Ken Rundin, the political junkie, joined MPR News host Kerri Miller to talk about Hillary Clinton's health and her comments about Donald Trump's supporters.
Life and terrorism after 9/11
MPR News host Kerri Miller spoke with national security experts Amos Guoira and David Schanzer about how September 11th changed the way the United States thinks about, plans for and fights terrorism.
Climate Cast: Coastal flooding due to global warming has already begun
MPR meteorologist Paul Huttner and host Kerri Miller spotted a New York Times story about what is called "sunny day flooding" along the coasts of the United States. Reporter Justin Gillis wrote "Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global Warming, Has Already Begun" for the New York Times and he joined them to talk about the article.
Gig economy: Is America's social safety net failing our current labor market?
Why do voters seem so angry and anxious this year? Part of the answer might have something to do with the gig economy. MPR News host Kerri Miller and two guests discussed the future of work in America.