Kerri Miller Brief

The presidential candidates have been talking a lot about foreign policy, including how they might handle ISIS and immigration, both separately and together. MPR News host Kerri Miller spoke with two foreign policy experts about the candidates' views for America's role in the world.
Veterans and the vote
Polls show that veterans are dissatisfied with both of the major party candidates for president.
Friday Roundtable: How art reflects culture
The play 'Disgraced,' which is currently showing at the Guthrie Theater, addresses a number of sensitive subjects: race, religion, identity. This week's roundtable panel discusses how the performance reflects American culture.
On Monday, Donald Trump unveiled his economic plan in Detroit. Pieces of the plan stick closely with what Congressional GOP leaders like Paul Ryan have been advocating for, while others strike more of a chord with Democrats, such as paid child care.
Donald Trump has said the general election will like be 'rigged.' Bernie Sanders supporters expressed concern the Democratic primary election was biased. What do these accusations of foul play mean for voters?