Kerri Miller Brief

Many on-the-fence voters are considering casting their ballot for a third party presidential candidate this year. Libertarian Gary Johnson is generating the most buzz.
Politically correct language and speech policing on both sides of the aisle are affecting the political discourse this election cycle. What do people mean when they say something is "politically correct?"
Minnesota has topped many "best of" lists in the past few years, but the perks touted by many articles aren't equally accessible for everyone in the state. Three Minnesotans discussed why the opportunity gap persists.
Reflections on the RNC
Political Scientist Lisa García Bedolla shares the insight she's gleaned from the RNC thus far.
Win or lose: What's the future of the GOP
Despite winning the majority of the GOP delegates, Donald Trump is a polarizing force within the party. Three political experts discuss what this rift means for the future of the Republican party.