Kerri Miller Brief

Political Junkie: Hiroshima, early polls and the politics of transgender rights
The Political Junkie, Ken Rudin, discusses President Obama's trip to Asia, new polls that show a dead heat between Trump and Clinton, and the sudden emergence of transgender rights in the political arena.
One man sharing his regret of over 60 years inspired MPR Newscut blogger Bob Collins to talk about his own regret with listeners who shared the decisions they wish they could take back as well.
NewsCut blogger Bob Collins spoke with three neuroscientists about how they got into the field, what is known about the brain and what's next the frontier of brain research.
On water issues in Minnesota
Deborah Swackhammer, co-director of the University of Minnesota's Water Resources Center, and reporters from MPR News and Iowa Public Radio discuss clean water issues across Minnesota.
Is Hillary good for women?
MPR News host Kerri Miller spoke with two experts about Secretary Clinton's record and rhetoric on parental leave and equal pay.
TIME Magazine's Susanna Schrobsdorff argued that the advantages of being a woman on the campaign trail are much more social than they are political.