Kerri Miller Brief

Teachers in Minnesota and across the country are talking about the need to rethink our approach to school safety. Two education experts shared their thoughts on the current climate and what can be done.
The 2016 electorate will be the most diverse it has ever been. Nearly one-third of eligible voters are people of color. Two political scientists discussed how these demographics are shaping the discourse.
With record turn-out in many states, including Minnesota, the faults with the primary election system were on display. Two experts talk about the problems and possible solutions.
"One of the challenges is that everyone has a different agenda," said Nancy Lindborg about why it is so hard for different countries to unite against ISIS.
Pope Francis will visit the Greek island of Lesbos on the 16th of April. Kerri Miller talks with a religion reporter about the visit's significance.
Op-ed: It's time to reform a damaged Fed
The U of M's Larry Jacobs argues that the Federal Reserve showed both its power and its flaws during the Great Recession and that it's time to turn it into a stronger central bank to help weather the next crisis.
Political Junkie: Boston Globe, convention math and Paul Ryan
This week's chat with the Political Junkie covered the Boston Globe's satirical front page, the elbows candidates are throwing ahead of New York's primary, and whether Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is running for anything in particular these days.