Kerri Miller Brief

Why do more people move to Houston than to Minneapolis?
Census data shows the Twin Cities are growing, but mostly through new births and international immigration. Meanwhile, sunbelt cities like Houston are attracting a lot of new residents from elsewhere in the country.
Assessing Obama's foreign policy
Over the two terms he's held office, President Obama has developed a doctrine on foreign policy that is a stark departure from his predecessors. An emeritus professor and journalist discussed what that doctrine is and what it means for his eventual successor.
This election season, tax inversions have bubbled to the top as a contentious issue on both sides of the political spectrum. Two business leaders dug into the complexities and underlying issues.
Aaron Blake of the Washington Post and Samara Klar from the University of Arizona share their insight from the GOP town hall in Milwaukee, Wis.
Bombings in Brussels last week left 35 people dead, more than 300 injured and reignited fears about potential terror attacks around the world. MPR News host Kerri Miller spoke with two national security experts about viability of presidential hopefuls' counterterrorism plans.