Weather chats with Mark Seeley

January among the warmest on record
January started out very cold in Minnesota, but ended up being one of the 20 warmest on record.
Winter back with a vengeance
MPR's Cathy Wurzer spoke with University of Minnesota climatologist Mark Seeley about this week's bitter cold.
December's temperature roller coaster is in a dip
MPR's Cathy Wurzer spoke with University of Minnesota climatologist Mark Seeley about the up and down temperatures in Minnesota so far this month.
December feeling like March
University of Minnesota climatologist Mark Seeley discusses the warmer than normal weather that's moved into Minnesota.
Will today break the record for below-freezing November?
MPR News' Cathy Wurzer spoke with University of Minnesota climatologist Mark Seeley about whether the Twin Cities will have the longest streak of days staying below freezing in November since the 1800s.