MPR News with Tom Weber

Tom Weber, a reporter and host at MPR News for a decade, resigned effective June 22, 2018. You can find his work covering the people and places of Minnesota here.

A look back at Minnesota's 'boy governor' Harold Stassen
Stassen was one of the youngest people in the nation ever elected governor. Minnesota voters put the moderate Republican in office back in 1938, when he was only 31 years old.
Activists, including those in Minnesota, have asked that police officers receive more cultural competency training. But at its core, the concept of community policing is a partnership.
The death of an unarmed 19-year-old during an altercation with police in Madison, Wisconsin last week will have an outside investigation due to a state law.
What low corn, soybean prices mean for Minnesota
This year, most corn farmers are expected to lose money. That's causing a lot of concern among farmers as they negotiate spring planting loans with lenders.