Social Issues

Beltrami museum seeks community involvement for May event on menstruation
In announcing its new event the Beltrami County Historical Society is seeking public input for the exhibit titled “Women’s History, Period. (The Evolution of Menstruation).” BCHS executive director Emily Thabes said the weeklong event at the end of May will feature guest speakers and cover a multitude of topics historical and contemporary.  
Poll: Minnesotans think race, gender impact individual success
About 40 percent of Minnesotans believe that being Black, Indigenous or Hispanic makes it harder to succeed in the state compared to being white or of Asian ancestry, newly released polling shows. Minnesotans also perceive a distinct advantage for men.
Investing in women and girls to ensure their safety, health and success
MPR News host Angela Davis talks with the president and CEO of the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota about investing in women and girls to ensure their safety, health and economic success.
Five years after COVID-19 lockdown, racial health disparities linger
People of color experience a disproportionate burden of COVID-19 cases and deaths. In Minnesota, deaths from COVID-19 have been concentrated in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Advocates demand ‘ICE out of courthouses’
Attorneys and immigration advocates say they’re concerned that Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE agents, are increasingly showing up to court hearings and using that time as an opportunity to arrest people before they get “access to justice.”