Social Issues

U.S. plans to sidestep limits on detaining immigrant children
The Trump administration said Thursday it plans to circumvent a longstanding court agreement that governs how children are treated in immigration custody, in part to detain families longer as a way to deter migrants from crossing the Southwestern border illegally.
Despite past reforms, Native women face high rates of crime
For generations, Native American women have been victimized at astonishing rates, with federal figures showing that more than half have encountered sexual and domestic violence at some point during their lives -- even amid a wave of efforts aimed at reducing such crimes.
#NotInvisible: Why are Native American women vanishing?
In the era of #MeToo, the issue is gaining political traction as an expanding activist movement focuses on Native women -- a population known to experience some of the nation's highest rates of murder, sexual violence and domestic abuse.
Her humanitarian missions became a way of life
An incident in a Turkish marketplace led Lindsey Smith to leave her comfortable life as a geriatric nurse practitioner from Minneapolis to help people in crisis around the world.