Social Issues

Election laws may discourage some from voting, even if they are allowed
Many people who want to vote face obstacles like past criminal records, voter ID laws and purging of voter rolls. Even if they aren't barred from voting, they may be kept from the polls.
According to U.S. Census figures, the overall median household income of the state rose to $68,400. Black households experienced a bump in income for the third year in a row to $38,100. Black and Latino households each gained about $4,000 in 2017.
Minneapolis homeless encampment raising health and safety concerns
The Minneapolis City Council's Housing Policy and Development Committee is directing staff to come up with a plan for emergency temporary housing for a growing number of homeless people camped out near East Franklin and Hiawatha avenues.
Serena Williams' treatment resonates among black women
Black women says they are often forced to watch their tone and words in the workplace in ways that men and other women are not. If they're not careful, they say, they risk being branded "Angry Black Woman."