
Cartwheeling to a record
Large crowds often head to the Minnesota State Capitol with a purpose in mind. But today the hundreds of people who marched out across the Capitol lawn had an unusual end in mind, setting a new world record.
Dr. Jon Hallberg on sports doping
Tour de France champion Floyd Landis is expected to learn the results of his "B" sample doping test Saturday. If the sample confirms the positive result of his first test, Landis could be stripped of his title and banned from the sport for two years.
The World Cup sparks national pride in Germany
Today is a day of patriotic pride in Germany, where the home team is playing against Italy in the semifinals of the World Cup soccer tournament. Morning Edition's Cathy Wurzer talked with MPR's Julie Siple, who is in Germany, about how the World Cup is changing Germany.
Germany is crazy for the World Cup
Much of the world is focused on the World Cup soccer tournament, which is being held in Germany this year. The World Cup, which takes place every four years, is the world's most popular sporting event. MPR producer Julie Siple is in Germany and gives us an up close look of the soccer madness that's overtaken the country.
Jill rides again
At a horse show near Cannon Falls this weekend, one woman's dream will come true. Jill Krimmel of Buffalo, Minnesota, was a familiar face at Saddlebred horse shows across the region until she suffered a devastating stroke. After an amazing recovery, Krimmel is back in the saddle.
Gone fishing
Memorial Day weekend is coming up, and you can bet that many anglers are itching to get their lines in the water. How has fishing in Minnesota changed over the years?