Reading the story of "El Lector"

El Lector cover
"El Lector" tells the story of a girl whose grandfather is revered 'lector.' Their lives change when the factory owners replace the readers with radios.
Image Courtesy Randome House Books
William Durbin
Minnesota writer William Durbin has written a number of historical novels for young people. Now he is writing about factory workers in the 1930's who hire a man to read to them
Image courtesy William Durbin

El Lector is about a time before iPods, a time before television, even before radio. And oddly enough the idea came to William Durbin through the radio, while he was driving back from a conference in South Dakota. He heard a story about how hispanic cigar makers near Tampa used to hire a man, "El Lector," to read to them as they worked.

Minnesota Public Radio's Stephanie Hemphill talked with Durbin about what attracted him to the story.

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