Xcel revises its long-range energy generation plan

Wind machine
Wind machine
MPR photo/Mark Steil

Xcel Energy is revising its 15 year plan for electricity generation.

Xcel says it will build more wind mills, help customers conserve more, and upgrade its nuclear and coal plants.

Judy Poferl, Xcel's Managing Director of government and regulatory affairs, says earlier forecasts called for increased electricity demand of 2 to 3 percent, but new state mandates call for a reduction in sales of one-and-a-half percent.

"What we've done is updated our forecast for current projections of customer needs, and reflected in there our efforts to help ouor customers conserve and implement conservation on our own system, and net-net, we come to a growth rate of around the 1 percent," says Poferl.

Xcel plans to build more wind farms, combined with peaking plants powered by natural gas, to meet much of that demand.

The Public Utilities Commission will analyze the plan, take public comments and likely rule on the plan late next year.

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