Complaint: Groups behind anti-Dayton ad violated financial disclosure law

A government watchdog group on Thursday filed a complaint with the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board against groups that aired a TV ad criticizing DFL gubernatorial candidate Mark Dayton.

Common Cause of Minnesota is alleging that the Republican Governors Association and the group Minnesota's Future violated the law by not properly disclosing contributions.

Mike Dean with Common Cause said the RGA funneled money through a separate group before the money was given to Minnesota's Future. He alleges the action was taken so the RGA wouldn't have to disclose its donors.

"Common Cause worked hard to pass the disclosure law and we created a way where it needs to be followed and right now it's not being followed because groups are creating these scenarios where they're funneling money through different organizations," he said.

Chris Tiedeman with Minnesota's Future denies any wrongdoing, saying the groups acted within the state's legal framework.

"We are confident that we have filed everything appropriately and we're confident that we'll find that out relatively quickly," Tiedeman said.

Tiedeman said he doesn't know of anyone else contributing to his organization besides the Republican Governors Association and the Jeff Larson, a long-time political adviser to former Republican Sen. Norm Coleman.

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