Stadium by 2015 is feasible, says construction execuctive

An executive of the company that built Target Field and TCF Bank Stadium says a new Vikings stadium could be built in Arden Hills in time for the 2015 football stadium.

An earlier analysis by the Metropolitan Council called that timeline unrealistic and said a delay would cost more money.

But John Wood, senior vice president of Mortenson Construction, said work could proceed quickly as long as the stadium bill is approved this fall and permits are issued in a timely fashion.

"As far as building the project is concerned, once those permits are in hand if they can be obtained on the schedule that was referenced in the report, we have absolute confidence in our ability to build the project within the allowable time frame and be ready to play football at the start of the 2015 season," Wood said.

Wood laid out his opinion in a letter to state policymakers. The Minnesota Vikings are trying to build the $1.1 billion dollar stadium in Arden Hills, a plan which would require about $650 million dollars in public money.

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