Former Independence Party leaders endorse McFadden for Senate

McFadden endorsements
GOP Senate Candidate Mike McFadden announces the endorsement of former Independence Party Chair Jack Uldrich (left) and former Independence Party Congressional candidate David Dillon (right) at the Minnesota State Fair on Sept. 1, 2014.
Dan Kraker/MPR News

Two former leaders of the Independence Party have backed Republican Candidate Mike McFadden in his race against Minnesota Senator Al Franken.

Former Independence Party Chairman Jack Uldrich and former Congressional candidate David Dillon announced their support for McFadden at a news conference at the State Fair.

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Uldrich said he believes McFadden would emerge as a "bipartisan problem solver" in the Senate.

"I believe he's the individual best able to reach across party aisles and get stuff done not just for Minnesotans but for future generations," he said.

Uldrich and Dillon endorsed McFadden over Steve Carlson, who scored a surprise win in the Independence Party primary last month. The party has distanced itself from Carlson, a self-proclaimed Tea Party member.

"I think it demonstrates my ability to reach across party lines and get things done and be a problem solver, and I think that's in extreme contrast to Senator Franken, who's voted with the President 97 percent of the time," McFadden said.