Daily dose of sweetness: 'Let me send you happy mail!'

Card on a table.
Maia Roppo is sending cards to people to let them know that they're not alone during this era of social distancing. "Cards bring light and joy at the most unexpected moments and are something visible rather than living on our phone. There’s something about pen to paper and the thought and care from the note inside," she wrote.
Courtesy of Maia Roppo

Minnesotans are trying to stay as connected as possible during this era of social distancing with plenty of Zoom chats, neighborhood singalongs or drive-by celebrations.

But feelings of isolation may still persist for some.

Maia Roppo of Minneapolis is trying to help fight the loneliness brought on the coronavirus pandemic, particularly for people who live by themselves.

She wants to do it by sending "happy mail."

Roppo is sending cards to people to let them know that they're not alone — and she'd love to send you one, too.

"I specifically put a call out to people living alone because with 6 ft distance perhaps they’re getting zero interaction and it’s important to let our neighbors know they are loved even if we can’t be with them," Roppo wrote in a note to me. "Just wanting to bring what little joy I can during this dark time. We need it."

If you'd like Roppo to send you a greeting, email your name and address to stamphappymailbox@gmail.com.

From acts of kindness and sweet gestures to inspirational signs, these are some of the ways Minnesotans are lifting one another during the coronavirus pandemic.

Discover something that brightens your day? We may include it here. Email it to nyang@mpr.org.