Art Hounds®

Art Hounds: Chamber music in the open air, jazz dance and puppets

People walk with a golden dragon puppet covering their upper bodies.
The New York Mills Puppet Pageant tells the story of Kalevala.
Courtesy of Betsy Roder

Meggie Moench is a Minneapolis-based musician and dancer who is excited to attend 10th Wave Chamber Collective’s upcoming event “At Dusk: Outdoor Chamber Music Concert Series.”

“I love listening to local live music in Minneapolis, and 10th Wave Chamber Collective is a group whose performances I always make sure to see,” Moench said.

This particular concert series is extra special, she said, because it features all BIPOC, contemporary composers with a modern flair playing outside in nature.

There are two concerts. The first is at 7 p.m. on Aug. 19 at Lutherie Lab (2619 Ulysses St. N.E., Minneapolis). An additional performance takes place a week later at 7 p.m. on Aug. 26 at the University Lutheran Church of Hope Courtyard (601 13th Ave. S.E., Minneapolis).

Karla Grotting is a local dancer, choreographer and dance educator who says Rhythmically Speaking’s event, “The Cohort,” makes jazz dance approachable and fun for any audience.

“It’s very legible and accessible and captures all elements like jazz music does,” Grotting said.

The show runs Aug. 17-19 at the Southern Theater (1420 Washington Ave. S., Minneapolis).

Two performers on stilts hold a sign that reads "Puppet Pageant"
The New York Mills Puppet Pageant tells the story of Kalevala.
Courtesy of Betsy Roder

Amy Tervola Hultberg is an education consultant from New York Mills, who loves to see the community come together for the town’s annual puppet pageant.

“The children involved, the families involved, the residents involved are also very dedicated.” Hultberg said. “Children are learning how to walk on stilts … it’s a true puppet experience.”

The pageant tells the story of Kalevala, which is based on the Finnish national epic poem, and tells a story of creation. The community has worked on the puppets for weeks and will get to debut their own latest creation to the public at 7 p.m. on Aug. 18 at New York Mills VFW Post 3289.

An additional performance will take place at noon on Aug. 19 at the Finn Creek Open Air Museum.

This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.