Education News

MPR News keeps track of the latest education news in Minnesota so you can understand the events shaping the future of learning and how it impacts students at any level.

Stay informed about local education events, policies and more happening in schools and colleges across Minnesota.

Education Commissioner sets priorities for session
In the final weeks of the 2009 legislative session, lawmakers are deciding education funding and policy changes. Education Commissioner Alice Seagren joins Midday to discuss the proposals being debated at the Capitol.
10 years later, Columbine's hold remains strong
Teenage gunmen spilled the blood of children before Columbine - in Alaska, Arkansas, Mississippi and Oregon. After Columbine, more blood was shed in Minnesota and California, in Germany and Finland.
The Rochester school district has sent layoff notices to 78 teachers in one of the largest job cuts of teachers in district history.
Pecha Kucha arrives in Minnesota
A new kind of party designed to cause cross pollination of ideas, arrives in the Twin Cities this week. It's like a salon, but the pace is much quicker. The first challenge may be agreeing on how to pronounce the event's name.
DFL leaders in the Minnesota House have released details of their proposal for education this year. As expected, they are proposing schools get the same amount of state funding next fiscal year as they're currently getting.
Education and the Obama administration
More innovative schools, merit pay for teachers and a renewed effort to boost all student achievement. All are on the agenda for President Obama's education secretary Arne Duncan. Already stimulus money is supposed to help struggling school districts, but will reform follow?