Education News

MPR News keeps track of the latest education news in Minnesota so you can understand the events shaping the future of learning and how it impacts students at any level.

Stay informed about local education events, policies and more happening in schools and colleges across Minnesota.

Teaching social skills in the classroom
School curricula has traditionally been reserved for the teaching of cognitive skills, while social skills develop in the hallways and the schoolyard. Now some educators say social and emotional knowledge can be taught in a classroom setting, and that the benefits can be seen in better attendance and improved test scores.
Teachers union concerned about proposed school budget cuts
Education funding comes up today in the Minnesota Senate. The DFL-backed bill would cut K-12 funding by more than 3 percent. The state's teachers union, Education Minnesota, is opposed to that move.
Obama pledges to renew partnership with Europe
President Barack Obama spoke before a French and German audience at a town-hall style gathering in Strasbourg today, pledging to work to repair damaged relations with Europe.
Grown ups come out to play at Studio Bricolage
Tomorrow evening, a group of adults will gather in a workshop in South Minneapolis just to make stuff. Studio Bricolage caters to grown-ups who have taken their children to crafts classes and alwys felt an urge to join in. This Friday's theme is paper, and visitors will be able, amongst other things, to learn how to make full-size paper suits.
St. Olaf students win Rube Goldberg competition
How many St. Olaf College students does it take to change a light bulb? Apparently the answer is 11 -- and it takes them 239 steps and nearly two full minutes to get the job done.