
As avian flu cases slow, farmers struggle with mental stress
New cases of avian influenza in Minnesota commercial flocks have slowed in recent weeks, suggesting the worst may be over. But the unpredictability of this year’s outbreak has caused a lot of mental strain for farmers, their families, veterinarians and others in the poultry industry.
If Roe falls, some fear repercussions for reproductive care
If the Supreme Court follows through on overturning Roe v. Wade, abortion likely will be banned or greatly restricted in about half the U.S. states. But experts and advocates fear repercussions could reach even further, affecting care for women who miscarry, couples seeking fertility treatments and access to some forms of contraception.
More than four hundred mental health workers at three Twin Cities hospitals will begin a 24 hour strike to protest dangerous working conditions and low wages. Kellie Benson is a senior mental health coordinator at Allina Abbott Northwestern hospital. She joined host Cathy Wurzer to talk more.
COVID-19, shootings: Is mass death now tolerated in America?
After mass shootings killed and wounded people grocery shopping, going to church and simply living their lives, the nation marked a milestone of 1 million deaths from COVID-19. The number was once unthinkable. Now it's a pedestrian reality in the United States.
Abbott CEO apologizes for the formula shortage as the first overseas shipment arrives
"We're sorry to every family we've let down," wrote CEO Robert Ford. The shuttered plant at the heart of the shortage will reopen in June, but it may take months before production is back to normal.
Virtual workouts spiked during the pandemic — and the trend is sticking around
During lockdown, gyms were out of the question. But some people felt more comfortable exercising at home, and companies hope to keep attracting new users by making VR apps more addictive and fun.
Somalis in Minnesota create new terms to define autism and build acceptance
The Somali language hasn’t included a word for “autism.” Parents say that omission plays into community stigma and misunderstanding. A recent social media post from the Somali musician Aar Maanta highlighted efforts from Somalis in Minnesota to create positive language to identify autism.