
They're illegal. So why is it so easy to buy the disposable vapes favored by teens?
The FDA cracked down on the nicotine devices, yet they're stocked on many store shelves. The reason has to do with burgeoning overseas production, lack of clear rules, and lax enforcement.
You could still be eligible for student loan forgiveness under this plan
The Supreme Court may have struck down a sweeping plan for student loan debt forgiveness, but under President Biden's new income-driven repayment plan, SAVE, borrowers stand to pay thousands less.
The IOC says it will not invite Russia and Belarus to the 2024 Olympics in Paris
While Russia and Belarus will not receive formal invitations, the International Olympic Committee says it will not stop athletes from the two countries from participating as neutral contestants.
Researchers in Duluth turn streams purple to help measure effectiveness of restoration
Researchers in Duluth this week temporarily turned a trout stream purple, part of a broader project to determine the effectiveness of stream restoration projects in the region.
Sun, tourism and fashion: Goldstein Museum of Design connects them in new exhibit
Experience the history and evolution of sun-inspired fashion from the 19th century to the present, as captured in the “Solar Flair: Dressing for the Sun” exhibition at the Goldstein Museum of Design, where societal norms, beauty ideals and technology intersect in the form of beachwear.
Nature-based preschools encourage kids to connect with the world around them
Dodge Nature Preschool in West St. Paul was one of the first nature-based preschools in the country that helps kids learn and connect to nature year-round. The number of these schools has more than quadrupled since some of the first started in the early 2000s.