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U of M says it can do widespread COVID-19 testing with homegrown tech
University of Minnesota experts say with $20 million in state funding they could soon begin testing up to 10,000 people per day for the coronavirus and another 10,000 per day for the presence of antibodies that indicate they have recovered from COVID-19.
Local farmers, reliant on shuttered schools and restaurants, find new markets
Thousands of Minnesota farms grow food that supply schools, restaurants and families with everything from meat to vegetables to flour. The coronavirus pandemic has turned many of those markets upside down.
April 16 update on COVID-19 in MN: 94 dead, 103 in ICU; U eyes going big on testing
The numbers come a day after Gov. Tim Walz said Minnesota would need a huge increase soon in COVID-19 testing. University of Minnesota scientists said Thursday they’ve invented a way to do that.
Officials say COVID-19 antibody testing is crucial to reopening business — but what is it?
State officials are pointing to COVID-19 antibody tests as potentially important tools for reopening the economy. They may provide insight into how widespread the virus is, and how long it’s been here. But they’re issuing caution against a flood of tests on the market that may not be reliable or accurate.
Ambulance providers say they have enough PPE for now; it's lack of calls that worries them
Minnesota ambulance crews are seeing a drop in calls. They worry people are forgoing help because they’re afraid to ride in an ambulance that has transported COVID-19 patients.
Losing a dad to coronavirus
COVID-19 has claimed the lives of dozens of Minnesotans. Mark Novak remembers his father, Leonard Novak, who died from the virus in a New Hope nursing home.
Walz signs affordable insulin bill
Gov. Tim Walz signed legislation Wednesday that guarantees access to affordable insulin. After months of negotiations, the Legislature voted overwhelmingly for the measure on Tuesday.