Photo Galleries

Photos: Pomp and chainsaws for the cutting of the US Capitol Christmas tree
An 88-feet tall white spruce is on its way to the nation's capital today after a ceremony and cutting on Thursday in northern Minnesota's Chippewa National Forest. Photographer Matthew McLaughlin was there to capture the scene.
The Survivors: Portraits of Liberians who recovered
The Ebola virus has a 70 percent mortality rate, according to the World Health Organization. However, survivors develop immunity to the strain that sickened them.
Photos: Skateboard art highlights the macabre and mysterious
At Light Grey Art Lab, gallery shows are often collaborative group projects. The four-member team develops a show concept, then invites designers from around the world to submit their artistic interpretations. Their upcoming show, Skate or Die, is inspired by the dark aesthetic of the skateboard subculture.