Election 2023

Election 2023

Minnesota voters are deciding the makeup of dozens of school board and municipal elections in 2023. Election Day is Nov. 7. Polls close at 8 p.m.

St. Paul City Council election results
Four out of seven seats on the St. Paul council will be on the ballot on Election Day. Of the seven wards, only three have incumbent members running for re-election — this means the city of St. Paul is looking at some potentially major shifts in political dynamics on the council. 
Minnesota municipal election results
Local races for city councils across the state — including in St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth —are underway. On Election Day, voters will decide who will represent their ward on their city council.
Duluthians to choose in hotly contested mayoral race
Duluth voters are heading to the polls today to decide between incumbent Emily Larson, who is seeking a third term, and former city councilor and state legislator Roger Reinert, in the city’s most hotly contested mayoral election in 15 years.
Culture wars, money muscle into Minnesota school board races
Campaign money and endorsements are increasingly targeted toward school board candidates willing to fight partisan battles, make promises or pass ideological tests. Those who can’t pass the test or won’t play the game risk not getting elected.