
St. Paul’s 1 percent sales tax bump has started. Here’s what’s changing first
The city of St. Paul’s new 1 percent sales tax increase began Monday, raising the total county, state and local sales tax to nearly 10 percent — the highest in Minnesota. As residents adjust to a cost bump on nonessentials, they can expect construction signs in the coming months, too.
‘No timeline’ to recover 4 bodies after Baltimore bridge collapse, as cleanup begins
Maryland Gov. Wes Moore called the recovery operation "complex" after a ship smashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Officials have not given estimates on when the river will reopen to traffic.
Loss of ship’s power and stiff current may have led to bridge collision, experts say
A momentary loss of propulsion or electricity aboard the massive cargo vessel as it maneuvered in a tight channel in Baltimore may have triggered a cascade of events leading to the bridge collision.
Replacement Blatnik Bridge plans safety measures in case of future ship collision
As authorities in Maryland respond to the collapse of a major freeway bridge that was struck by a cargo ship, transportation officials in Minnesota say guarding against a similar scenario is part of the planning for the replacement of the Blatnik Bridge linking Duluth and Superior, Wis.
I-35W survivor recalls tragedy in wake of Baltimore bridge collapse
Lindsay Walz survived the fall into the Mississippi River nearly 17 years ago. One of the hardest parts for Walz is living with survivor’s guilt and the lasting trauma.
For Minnesotans, Baltimore bridge collapse brings back memories of I-35W disaster
For some Minnesotans, Tuesday’s collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore brought back memories of the tragic, deadly collapse of the Interstate 35W bridge in Minneapolis back in 2007.
Tuesday storm updates: Another day of challenging travel across Minnesota
Rain changed over to snow during the Tuesday morning commute in the Twin Cities, leaving a slippery coating on freeways and sidewalks — and leading to a steady stream of crashes and spinouts.
Monday storm updates: Rain and slush in southern Minnesota; snow continues north
Snow changed over to rain in the Twin Cities early Monday morning leaving a slushy, slippery mess on streets and sidewalks. To the north, snow continued to fall — with more than a foot in some locations by midday.